Once in a blogging moon

I have been taking part in a 30 day blogging challenge run by Sarah Arrow. I didn’t manage to do 30 consecutive days, but that’s OK.

From the wonderful advice that I received daily in my in-box from Sarah, I did a bit more than that. During the challenge, I achieved the following:

  1. Set up two blogs (this one and a health based one)
  2. Came up with the idea for a new business
  3. Created my new business website and social media presence
  4. Wrote content for the new site and health blog
  5. Wrote 30 blog posts stretched over three sites
  6. Gain a lot of new friends and connections via the blogging challenge

I love to write, but I had no clue about blogging or using blogging as a business tool. I never thought that I’d actually complete the challenge, never mind create a business that I can now promote and run as a Digital Nomad.

I am eternally grateful to Sarah. She is an internationally recognised blogging expert and though one of her sites has been listed by Forbes as best website (3 times) and she’s met the likes of Tony Robbins and Martha Stewart through blogging, she does this challenge at no cost! Sarah coaches businesses, write books and runs numerous websites as well as this blogging challenge. I am in awe of her talent, generosity and energy.

Blue moon transformation

I am not the only one showing progress, Tamaha has also been transforming beautifully and phase one of her renovation is now almost complete. Our launch date is booked for 13h18 (high tide) on 31st July. Coincidentally it’s a full moon on that day and as it’s the second full moon in July, it’s also a Blue Moon. I believe the symbolism for a Blue Moon is transformation – how apt.

When we started on this journey – a musician and a coach with absolutely no experience – we were probably the only people who truly believed in Tamaha’s potential and our ability to see it through. She was a bit of a state and I have to admit that at times it was difficult to keep that belief intact. But now that we can see the results, gosh I’m so glad we did. The following is a little video that we created to remind us of just how much we can achieve when we just believe in ourselves…

I’m so looking forward to exploring the river this summer and being lulled by the water beneath us. Phase two, to update her interior, will commence at some point and will take as long as it does – that’s the pace of life on a boat. Wish us luck!

4 thoughts on “Once in a blogging moon

  1. Absolutely brilliant! I am in awe of you…your vision talent and compassion.
    all positive thoughts for 31st july and beyond xxxx


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