

11402952_815401375234470_5694218040808097727_nFirst Mate

Hi, I’m Kae and I  live with my husband Captain Kev aboard our little ship Tamaha,  a 30 ft Morris Griffiths Waterwitch. We have been working hard to return her to her former 1960’s glory and enjoyed it so much, we’ve decided to do it all over again and have recently bought a 35 foot Jura Class Colvic Watson motor sailor project.

The “Fleet”

From knowing little about yachts –  except for sipping wine, between pulling on ropes, while sailing in Table Bay – to finding ourselves owning two that needed lots of TLC, has indeed made for an interesting time of accelerated learning.

Tamaha has gone from a tatty old boat to a beautiful little ship. She is also a warm and cosy home, fitted with a log burner for those cold winter nights. The Phoneix of Jura has yet to rise from the ashes but we expect to have a lot more living accommodating once she has. This latest project will start in early 2017.

The Blog

The blog was originally conceived to document our journey to restore, live and work-aboard with the intention of sharing  our experience and learnings with others considering doing the same.

It tends to meaner along from one thing to the next but I am trying to categories each post.

I hope you


before pic
Tamaha when we bout her in 2013
Tamaha now
The Phoenix when we bought her – work to commence in early 2017

4 thoughts on “About

  1. You sound like me and sure if you are like me would love a comment on your blog. its amazing to read your blog. I was a therapist study everything, now live on a boat, where is your boat?


    1. Hi Manda
      Thank you and yes you are so right. It will be returned on your wonderful blog :). We are in a boat yard in Rochford, near Southend-on-Sea while we finish restoring her. Where is your boat moored at present?


    1. We should be back in the water in a few weeks and staying around here for the next year, still got some refitting to do below deck, a load to learn and an online business to set up. We’re planning to head to the med sometime next year. You are way, way ahead of us and we’re learning from people like you Manda.


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